Meet Taza Ayurveda

Meet Taza Ayurveda

Divya is a mom of almost 1 year old baby Leo and Mommy to be of baby 2 on the way. She is also the co-founder of Taza Ayurveda. She launched Taza to help people live fully with her friend Amy, Engel after witnessing the healing powers of Ayurevda. Prior to this journey Divya worked for 12 plus years in retail and consulting with brands like Gap, Gucci, Kpmg and Deloitte.
Please tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a mom to almost one year old baby Leo and we are on our way to welcoming another little one early February. Married to my love from Iceland we are an Indian-Icelandic couple raising our family in New York City. I grew up in India with Ayurveda all my life. I used powdered herbs as shampoo and sipped turmeric lattes before they were trendy, not fully realizing their curative properties until 17 years after I moved to the United States. In pursuit of my American dream, I had fallen out of step with nature (and my true nature). I had my dream job but felt physically and mentally off with bouts of insomnia that western medicine had no answer to. This journey led me back to Ayurveda and the start of Taza Ayurveda, to help people live fully.

I view you as a guru in your field, which means you've paved a way no one previously had, or you're paving a way much different than the rest. What is your path or your journey, and what does it represent?

So Ayurveda is an 8 year degree and there are so many very talented professionals in the field. What few people know is that it is an official form of medicine in India. I do not posses those degrees and have a background in fashion and strategy. But I have experienced the powers of Ayurveda first hand and my mission is to share this with the world. I consider myself a life long student of Ayurveda. What I am trying to offer is Ayurvedic products that stay true to its authenticity. We are the first to bring Ayurvedic certified products to the US. Medicinal formulations certified by the Indian Ayurvedic board by partnering with India's most renowned Ayurvedic institutions so people have effective solutions to fell better. I cannot tell you how much this helps me in pre-natal and post partum recovery and every day in my life.

What does health & wellness mean to you?

Health and wellness to me is to live fully. Living in the present. It's so much of a mind element . Your body only responds to signals sent by your mind. It's as simple as the thoughts you have, the emotions you process. Health is also living in tune with nature. Using nature to heal which can be as simple as taking in fresh air, eating seasonally etc.

Everyone needs a little “me” time, how do you practice self care?

Everyday I substitute my lotion for Taza Eladi body oil and do a little self - massage, Abhyanga in Ayurveda. It takes me 7 minutes but I thank my body as I rub oil and feel every joint, bump and scar. It makes me feel thankful for the number one thing in life that i am grateful for, my health and sets the tone for rest of the day. I also massage baby Leo daily with this oil and massaging him has been so therapeutic. I focus on his giggle and every bonding connection we make together. It's being present for him and helping him relax.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Life is not a straight line. It's a collection of experiences. You need to go through your share of tough times but never loose hope on what life has in store for you. Also so much of life is choices you make and empower yourself to make decisions that work for you vs what might look better to society and friends. I left a corporate career for motherhood and wellness entrepreneurship. None of my friends did that or got it, but seeing me happy has made them support me more than ever.

What is one beauty product you can’t live without?

I am biased to the Taza Kumkumadi face oil. My mom gifted this formulation to me before my wedding and this really started my search for Ayurevda. It has 100 saffron flowers in each bottle and a potent mix of 18 other herbs that works miracle on my skin.

Your favorite cocktail?

Having lived in Italy, Aperol Spritz or Campari is my summer drink. However, being pregnant for almost 2 years straight , I am now into grapefruit juice mixed with sparkling water and a hint of mint.

One guilty pleasure?

Blow Outs. I have thick frizzy hair and a blow out can completely change my mood.

Last book or series you enjoyed?

Love That's What Frenemies For. Recommended by @hithapalepu this is such a pick me up book and makes you loose track of time. Great Sunday night or vacation read or a book club read with girl friends.

Saying or Mantra you live by?

Life is in your favor. I always believe life has my side and even when I don't see it, I will realize it later in time. It also makes life so much easier as I have that innate trust in humankind.
