Conversation with Maja Arnold

Meet Maja Arnold, the artist and designer behind her namesake brand, Maja Arnold. 

Conversation with Maja Arnold

Please tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Maja Arnold and I created my jewelry line, Maja Arnold,  in memory of my daughter who passed away.  I had twins, one I lost to SIDS (my daughter) and the other twin had cancer stage 3. ( now 6 year cancer free ). Since than I had third child.  I wanted to wear or keep something close to my heart representing my three children. I designed my first modern monogram necklace and other mothers where asking me if I can design necklace for them. Since than I designed over 800 necklaces for women with their own stories. My goal is to inspire, support and design for women who are going through hard times. 

I view you as a guru in your field, which means you've paved a way no one previously had, or you're paving a way much different than the rest. What is your path or your journey, and what does it represent?

I wanted to find something that symbolizes families and meaningful words in very unique modern way that people can keep forever. I hand sketch and we handcraft every necklace. My customers share their stories with me when I create necklace for them. My designs are very meaningful and sentimental. I love to bring  joy to women when they receive their necklace. 

What does health & wellness mean to you?

Health is everything to me. I pray every night and morning for health for my family. Part of being healthy is taking care of yourself. We eat organic and clean food. My son and I are gluten and dairy free. After my experience going through my son’s cancer, I learned a lot about diet. That is one thing in life I can actually control.

Everyone needs a little “me” time, how do you practice self care?

My self care is working out, being active, having a massage, going out with girlfriends (very good for your soul), mediate. My mediation is when I’m sketching necklace for family. I absolutely love to create, it helps me to be in peace. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

Work hard, it will pay off. Be patient, Don’t waste time on unimportant things. Don’t worry about what people think. Love your self. 

What is one beauty product you can’t live without?

I love make-up! Mascara is a must!

Your favorite cocktail?

I have new (healthy, lol) favorite cocktail. It is tequila martini w lime. Yum.

One guilty pleasure?

Guilty pleasure… Only one? Tequila martini!! Of course;) and chocolate.

Last book or series you enjoyed?

Last book I love is Medical medium, Life changing foods by Anthony William. It changed my life.

Saying or Mantra you live by?

I have so many! Latest Mantra is: 

“Nothing really good happens unless you surround yourself with good people. Good people make good things happen”  

Conversation with Maja Arnold